Earn As You Learn is not currently accepting applications. Check back in April for the Summer Application.

“Earn As You Learn”:
Youth Entrepreneurship Spring Cohort

Application Deadline: March 2, 2025
a training and development program for young people to learn more about who they and what career opportunities are available to them. Participants will be paid to receive training, shadow jobs around the city, and collaborate with other young people.
Ages: Focused on high school youth ages 14-18 (Participants must be at least 14 years old at program start per Ohio Minor Labor Laws)
Numbers: Up to 12 young people will be selected to participate in the program
Duration: March - May, 2025
Applicant Demographics: This program is supported by the City of Cincinnati, so we are seeking high school students who live within the City of Cincinnati boundaries
Hours/week: Up to 15 hours per week - We will have trainings on Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 4pm-7pm at Youth At The Center office (500 Reading Rd, Downtown). Participants will earn additional hours by shadowing entrepreneurs around the city.
Rate: $14/hour
Partner: City of Cincinnati

“Earn As You Learn”: Summer 2025 Cohort

If you are looking for a summer youth employment opportunity, our Earn As You Learn Summer Cohort will be 20-hour/week program for 8 weeks.

Application Opens in April
a training and development program for young people to learn more about who they and what career opportunities are available to them. Participants will be paid to receive training, have opportunities to shadow jobs around the city, and work together to open a teen center for young people in the city.
Ages: Focused on high school youth ages 14-18
Numbers: Up to 16 young people will be selected to participate in the program
Expected Program Dates: June 2- July 31
Applicant Demographics: This program is supported by the City of Cincinnati, so we are seeking high school students who live within the City of Cincinnati boundaries
Hours/week: 20 hours per week in summer - Monday - Thursday - 10:30am- 3:30pm daily schedule
Rate: $14/hour
Partner: City of Cincinnati